Quarterly Magnetic Growth Mastermind

Do you have big ideas for your business but never feel like you have time to implement them?

Perhaps it’s scary and unmotivating to dream alone…

 Or perhaps there’s so much noise out there that it’s just too hard to stay focused on one thing for long…

 Imagine focus time to work ON your business, not just in your business, with five other brilliant entrepreneurs building a passion-led business.

This Mastermind is ideal for all self employed professionals building a profitable business doing what they LOVE.

Included in the Mastermind:

  • A personal board of directors that acts as a sounding board so you don’t have to make decisions in isolation

  • Answers! The ability to access the collective wisdom of the group

  • Dedicated Hot Seat Time for each member in every session

  • Small community of peers you can count on

  • Candid feedback

  • Efficiency in decision making

  • Accountability: Masterminds are about implementation, not just gathering information

  • Six 2-Hour Sessions via Zoom video

$595 per Quarter

In 90 days you’ll have a new level of momentum and confidence. Your business will feel fresh and exciting and you’ll be attracting customers and revenue opportunities easily. 

The Business of Coaching Mastermind is limited to SIX business owners committed to creating the business of their dreams.

It’s facilitated by me, Lisa Honold, certified Martha Beck coach and CPA brimming with business strategy. 

  • I have helped start-ups and solopreneurs with business strategy, financial planning and reporting for years and co-created 3 wildly successful businesses.

  • I am a Certified Martha Beck Coach with all kinds of magical tools up my sleeve


This Mastermind allows you to efficiently collaborate with like-minded entrepreneurs who “get it”.

I get asked about my business name “Celebrate You®” all the time.

It goes something like this: “Why am I celebrating me? What’s there to celebrate? Really, you want me to celebrate?”

My answer is always “YES! I’m celebrating you, your unique passions, your worthiness to receive what you deeply desire.”

I’d love to have you join me in the celebration!

Member Love:

“I’m so thankful for our Mastermind group led by Lisa. I recently hit a point in my coaching practice where I felt stuck, stalled and discouraged. Without the support of the group, I truly feel I would’ve fallen into a place of despair. But instead, the  mastermind discussions revealed ways to remain in the creative flow and pointed out overlooked triumphs worthy of celebration. I wouldn’t have seen these things on my own. I’m happy to say inspiration has returned and I’m moving forward again. Thank you, Lisa!”        

KA in Arizona

Get ready to be amazed by your clarity & boldness!

Ready to Learn More?

Click here to schedule your free Mastermind Introduction call to learn more about the group, ask any questions and discover the value of connecting with other entrepreneurs who “get it”.

What Others Are Saying

“This group gave me practical steps toward my vision for a coaching/wellness business.  I am no longer frozen with the overwhelming number of choices and activities needed to launch a business. They helped me break it all down into realistic and achievable steps.”

DG, Washington